Holidays Massapequa Homes and parks
Holidays Massapequa Homes and Parks
Holidays Massapequa Homes has a lot of activities for all. The weekend following Thanksgiving Massapequa Park Village has a small holiday festival and holds a Christmas Tree lighting. The Massapequa Park Village blocks traffic on Park Blvd and all cross streets near the stores and restaurants between Clark boulevard and Front street and have a great Holiday Spectacular including hot coco and other treats. Holidays Massapequa HomesWhat residents do is arrive extra for a close parking spot and grab have dinner at a local restaurants like, The Good Life, Blvd Bar & Grill, Greek Street, Adam’s Rib, Mary’s Pizza or one of the many other options.
To begin traditional Holidays Massapequa Homes and Parks a lot of residents put up some Holiday decorations on Thanksgiving week or one following. This year I lucked out with warmer weather on Black Friday it was about 60 degrees plus outside I spent a half day on the roof to install the peak roof lights and the following days I did the rest. The Realtor on the roof aka the running realtor John Cordeira will capture video clips and photographs in the process. Holidays Massapequa Homes
Photos of the Realtor on the roof putting up Christmas Holiday lights Massapequa Homes and Parks. Need a new roof?